COVID Information Corner

Health and safety guides lines for guided and self-guided tours operated by 3etravel Montenegro

Updated on July 29th, 2020

The pandemic impacts all aspects of society and 3etravel commits to a program of staff training to ensure competence and compliance with new hygiene and safety practices. All tourism and accommodation businesses acknowledge their role in communicating, promoting and maintaining safe practice. The Montenegrin government developed a set of actions and measurements which applies for tourism and related business. We apply the most recent and relevant health advice from Montenegro government relative to COVID-19.


  1. Wearing of masks at out- and indoors,
  • Regular cleaning and desinfection of hands upon entering premises/restaurants/vehicles/high-touch points
  • Physical distance of min. 2 m – outdoors and indoors

Our general strategies

  • Promote and facilitate pre-screening to prevent potentially infected staff and customers from attending.
  • We alter business practices where relevant to ensure physical distancing in line with governmental general health and safety lines.
  • Enhance cleaning and hygiene practices to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Establish and maintain COVID safe procedures aligned to Montenegrin general safety guidelines

Preventive actions

We ensure all staff are aware that they MUST NOT attend if they have ANY symptoms potentially consistent with COVID-19. COVID-19 symptoms include; cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath. In addition, to COVID-19 symptoms, staff should be advised not to attend work with any flu-like symptoms or related illness. This applies also for customers who show the same symptoms.

We and our guides implement measures to support a physical distance and to remind individuals of their personal responsibility to maintain a physical distance.

We implement measures to ensure staff avoid any intentional physical contact in the workplace, which includes;

~no shared food

~no shaking of hands and

~no physical touching.

Where possible we implement measures to minimise close personal contact eg. ~Face-to-face contact should be limited to 15 minutes where possible

Our guides and other parties envolved and customers should not be in an enclosed space, with social distancing rules applied, for more than two hours where practical.

Our guides will ensure that staff and customers always adhere to allocated restaurant seating regulations, currently max. 4 adults at a single table

Rooms shared (twin room reservations) by clients not living in the same household need to provide min. 2 m distance between beds and sufficient ventilation. Our guides are instructed to check all rooms before move in. We comply with all directions relating to room capacity and numbers recommended by healthy and safety authorities.

Our guides and customers will be instructed not to move furniture and equipment which has been positioned to maximise physical distancing.

Our guides are instructed to avoid spaces with bigger crowds and also to prevent crowds from gathering.

Our guides are instructed when taking group pictures to minimize close personal contact – physical distancing

Transport and guiding

Our guides and drivers practice and promote and monitor physical distancing.

Our transport suppliers are obliged to provide hand disinfection and sufficient masks to clients Our guides and drivers enforce hand hygiene upon entry

Masks must be worn during the entire transfer by driver and clients.

Our transport suppliers ensure that seating in vehicles (including buses, trains, rides, attractions, cars and boats) will be spaced, meaning to use bigger vehicles to ensure comfortable spacing between persons not sharing the same household

Family/private groups are permitted to sit in closer proximity but will be advised to maintain distance to other individual and family/private groups.

Time within the confines of a vehicle will be limited wherever practical (e.g. if there are stops during which it is safe and practical to disembark then passengers will be encouraged to do so).

We undertake enhanced cleaning with desinfection liquids between trips with particular attention to high- touch surfaces. Our transfer suppliers are obliged to do the same. We ensure that appropriate cleaning products are available on the vehicle/vessels such that cleaning of potentially contaminated surfaces is anytime possible. This also applies for our rental bikes, walking poles.

Where practical windows in vehicles will be open and vehicle air conditioning will be set to fresh air as opposed to recirculate and will remain on.

Families and private groups

For physical distancing, a family unit, (ie with the same residential address), will be managed as equivalent to one individual. As with individuals, each unit will be required to maintain appropriate social distancing from all individuals who are not part of their direct family/private group unit.


We rent rooms, cabins, caravans, boats and other accommodations comply with physical distancing, cleaning and hygiene obligations given by the Montenegrin government at all times.

Associated facilities, such as swimming pools, barbecue areas and shared spaces will comply with government health regulations specific to those functions.

Associated short tours/activities also comply with social distancing regulations.

Businesses will ensure that customers are aware of their obligations to social distancing in all shared areas, backnowledging that families who share a residence are counted the same as one individual.

Our guides and each single accommodation provider ensures physical distancing wherever practical and will focus on robust pre-screening and complete adherence to hand hygiene practices.

Cleaning and hygiene

We promote frequent and effective handwashing by all staff, customers and providers.

We ensure adequate time and resources are provided for enhanced cleaning procedures to be undertaken

We ensure appropriate training for staff to implement enhanced cleaning procedures in line with contemporary practice

We provide ready access to hand hygiene products (alcohol-based hand rubs and/or a sink with soap and water) with particular attention to;

~Entry and exit points to the venue/vehicle,

~Toilets and bathrooms


,~Prior to contact with any high-touch surface

We prominently highlight the importance of hand hygiene with instructions on how to perform correct hand washing

Staff will be trained on correct hand hygiene techniques

Cough and sneeze etiquette education may also be provided, however if a staff member or customer is exhibiting these symptoms, they should be asked to leave.

We provide tissues, alcohol based sanitizing wipes and other items to assist with personal hygiene for the cleaning of potentially contaminated surfaces or items by customers and staff.

Our guides will provide receptacles for the appropriate and timely disposal of contaminated products (such as wipes and tissues) and will arrange regular disposal to reduce the likelihood of cross contamination.

Touchless solutions

Wherever possible, businesses will provide touchless solutions for interactions including ticketing (electronic vouchers for entrances fees in National parks)

For self-guided tours: There will one orientation meeting on arrival day any other communication will take place via phone.

Enhanced cleaning

Staff and customers will be encouraged to perform hand hygiene prior to touching any high-touch surfaces to reduce the prospect of contamination.

Businesses will ensure that all skin-touch surfaces are cleaned regularly using products that meet requirements for effectiveness against COVID-19 and in line with relevant guidelines including;